
Hadith: I have left no trial more severe to Men then women?

Critics of Islam including Feninists among Muslims bring this hadith up to try and attack Islam or attack the hadith in order to show Islam or Hadith belittles women.

It reads;

I don’t understand, why critics or Muslim Feminists are saying this post is causing harm. And they want an explanation. With all due respect? I’m astonished that people are unaware of human development.

This has nothing to do with women being degraded or women made to look evil. Rather, what is one of the most treasured things to a man is women. Therefore women can be a great fitnah (Trial or Test) for men, because of Mens strong desire for women, which can cause Men to fall into great temptations and sin.
It is commonly known that men watch more pornography than women


And men have a higher sex drive than women even from a biological standpoint.
Source: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1207/S15327957PSPR0503_5?journalCode=psra

So it makes sense why women can be a great trial fitnah for Men. Remember even from a young age it’s predominantly boys chasing girls around as opposed to girls chasing boys around. So Islam forbids things like watching pornography and committing things like Adultery and Fornication or even touching non-mahrem women for the matter, therefore since this is a strong temptation especially for men based on even science and human development, it is why women are a servere test for men.

So interestingly they are too quick to dismiss the Hadith as being inaccurate or misogynistic remove your femiNazi spectacles it will help you see a lot clearer.

Allah knows best.


Are Humanists/Atheists really peace-loving hippies?

Last updated: 14th, Aug. 2022


My Response:

You said you will not advocate for violence of which ever kind?

Um, Hello.

Every law in every country advocates violence to restore public order. That’s how governments function.

The same people, who happened to give you humanism and human rights themselves under international law, advocate violence depending on the circumstance. That’s how they restore peace and order, and at times use the same measures to spread their values to the rest of the globe.


Perhaps you are an apostate from basic humanist values. The same humanist values, that murder by license human fetus. So you are in no way of lecturing Us on violence, by coming here and talking to us about the Quran. The fact that you invite people to hellfire through your Godless delusion, endangers the lives of many people, by sending them to eternal damnation. Your human rights values give more value to a dog than a human being. For example when humanist atheists agnostics were asked the Question? Would you save your drowning dog or your neighbour? But you had to pick one. These Godless humanists picked a Dog over a fellow human being.

God, I wouldn’t want my neighbour to be a humanist. He is more of a Dogist than a humanist, and this is the problem of Atheist humanists when humans are reduced to no different than any other Animal because again as Richard Dawkins a famous Atheist humanist puts it, there is no difference then a pig and a human fetus. Well, no wonder they support Murdering of a fetus by Abortion, that’s the price you pay when adopting the theory of Atheist, they con people into thinking that they are peaceful. When the reality shows depending on the circumstance they can be the most barbaric of all. A question was asked, to these same humanists if you were the only two people on the earth and had to choose between raping a women or allow the planet to go into human extinction. Most humanists justify raping that lady who refused to have a baby with him and continue human existence. To know wonder why a Humanist Atheist preacher known as Sam Harris who justified rape saying it helped pass genes from one species to another species.

Another question was asked, if there was a law that said we need to kill half the population of the earth which includes the youth, to save the planet from collapsing (hypothetically speaking) then these very same humanists would justify those killings to save the rest of humanity. What im merely showing is that these Humanists and Atheists are the biggest con-artists when they claim they are not violent. When shit hits the fan they are the first one to comprise cruelty and death, to justify the means. In Islam for example, if such circumstances occurred, we would allow the world to end, and murder is murder, even if that means it will cause the earth to end because we, unlike Humanist atheists, have principles. But for them, there are no principles, and pleasure comes before human life, self-interest comes before humanity. Humanist atheism is ruthless so don’t ever believe them when they claim they believe in peace to the World, and how under humanism everything is colourful rainbows 🌈

So to sum up;

Three Questions to ask these pretend humanists Atheists.

Atheists identify themselves generally as being Humanists and claim to be ethically upright people.

Question one:

If you’re neighbour and you’re pet dog was drowning and you could only save 1 who would you choose?

Question two:

If you had to save the planet from self destruction, but in order for this to happen you had to immediately exterminate 80% of the human population in order to save the planet. Would you order the killings of these human beings?

Wait and see their responses just let them keep talking and see how they self expose themselves on how much they really value human life!

Question 3:

Ask an Atheist if He could only save one at sea, would He prefer to save a 5-year-old drowning child. Or the last ever-existing female Panda Bear?

Which Would it Be?

Then ask them how exactly do they define themselves as “Humanists”. They are anti-human!

This is how these Atheists can not be moral people, they are against the human race, for they have made animals equal to humans. Beware of Atheists they are indeed cruel human beings, when shit hits the fan, you are certainly not on their saving list agenda.

These atheists probably donate more money to Animal Welfare organizations than they do towards donating to starving children around the world but then have the audacity to blame God for the condition of the human race.

In fact I kid you not, I remember one time listening to a interview of a British couple who by the way we’re extremely wealthy people. I’m talking say, millions and millions of dollars. The interviewing asked, you are old age and have no children, what will you decide to do with all this money once you are gone.

Of course one would have expected them to say, will be donating all this money for all the starving children of the world right?

No, she said she really loves Tigers. And she strongly believes in the conservation of animals, so she will be donating all her wealth towards Animal welfare programs.

No seriously folks, this is a true story.



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Mosques vandalised

a Atheist gets owned check this next comment out;

Sam Harrison advocates to Nuke Muslims if they don’t accept Secular Liberalism




Atheists are Free thinkers?

There is a belief among Atheists, that believing in Religion is a form of indoctrination, and that when you are a Muslim or a Christian or a Hindu, you are unable of thinking for yourself, and you are not free to think critically about your faith, and therefore those who believe in Religion are somehow brainwashed and therefore cannot think for themselves, and that’s the reason they say, why people who believe in organised religion or the concept of a God, it is because of this very reason.

I’ll be sharing why this fallacious arguement doesn’t make any logical sense, and in fact, I will share with you, points that can brush those who follow the free-thinking claim are not free-thinkers themselves and they too follow Atheistic indoctrination. Now here is the thing, these Atheists seem to suggest when you are in religion you can’t freely think for yourself. Well here is the one million dollar question? If it’s true that when you are a Muslim you can not think for yourself and make rational decisions then why do Ex-Muslims like Harris Sultan who was able to “Free think” for himself and leave Islam? Surely if this person under Islam was not able to think for himself because of all that religious indoctrination, then He shouldn’t have left Islam correct? The very fact that He did leave Islam proves in itself that when you are a Muslim you can critically think about your own beliefs. If Muslims could not critically think for themselves then why does people like Harris Sultan open platforms targeting the Muslim youth? Well, He does so because He knows that just like He was a free thinker, and left Islam then all these other Muslims to can think for themselves and therefore why He spends all his time and energy preaching to them. You see folks, this free-thinking concept is no more than a derogatory slur, and a colonialist inferiority complex of seeing Muslims less themselves, because they believe that when you believe in non-religious things that is when you become progressive and intelligent and “enlightened”, but this begs the Question was the Muslim not intelligent to think for himself when He left Islam? And what about Atheists who believed in all of those things like “reason” and critical thinking, and logic, despite this they left Atheism and have either become Muslim or Christian, are we now to believe that when you become an Atheist, you are now able to think critically and reason, now have to explain why those who lived that progressive thought process have come to Islam or who have converted to Islam or Christianity?

This now debunks the notion that only when you are an atheist is when you can think critically, because if that were the case then no Atheist would accept religion now would they? Nor would any Muslim or Christian leave Islam, the fact that they do does not mean you have to be first an Atheist to critically be able to think for yourself. Now that we have cleared that blunder, what about the claim that indoctrination hinders a person’s free-thinking abilities?

Well let’s show some points on how one can brush Atheists as those who have been indoctrinated and they can’t think for themselves as they want you to believe because they too receive indoctrination on a daily bases from Atheistic agents.

“Stop being a sheep and be an individual. Think for yourself. That’s the only way you can truly be ethical, intelligent, and free!”

The mantras of individualism are well-known today, for they are a staple of most people’s thinking. To be independent from the crowd is considered a sign of superiority compared to those who merely follow.

But individualism is a myth.

The idea that man is an island capable of separating themselves completely from the grasps of societal norms, values, and ideas is utterly delusional. Human beings think and act synthetically. What we call the “individual” is merely a reconfiguration of accepted norms and principles, much akin to phenotype. Differences are considered more genuine only by virtue of the fact that others have yet to determine particular combinations of dress, words, gestures, and yes, even concepts.

In other words, there is no such thing as non-conformity on some grand scale — a type of detachment born ex nihilo. Even so, the idea that one should detach themselves in such a way is absolutely absurd, because in order to survive in the world and be successful one needs to conform with their peers to a degree. A man in total isolation ultimately dehumanizes himself and runs the risk of insanity; for humans are social creatures. And in order to be ‘social’ one needs to conform to a society.

And this is why I find it ludicrous when certain people claim to now “think for themselves” as opposed to “following”. Whether you convert or deconvert from or to a religion/ideology the idea that you have become an individual as a result is an oxymoron — because all you’ve actually done is change what you conform to. Whether you adopt Islamic values or Western ones (or attempt a hybrid), you are conforming to something for which you had given no input prior. And even if your perspective is drastically different to others’, you’re still borrowing considerably from previous ideas in order to construct it.

We should not be so concerned with whether we’re “thinking for ourselves” as much as we should be concerned with what we’re thinking. Conformity or non-conformity means little if your ideas are invalid. Just because you grew up in a particular society doesn’t necessitate that said ideas become suspect; nor does it mean that said ideas are necessarily correct. And just because you move away from one society doesn’t mean you’ve left conformity all-together.

The reality is, when people say “think for yourself”, what they really mean is “agree with me”. And that’s a vacuous irony that needs to eventually be realized.

Topic: Atheist only panel?

Atheist: The only people on the Panel should be those non-indoctrinated, critical thinkers that can think for themselves. Forget religion, skin colour or politics. If they are educated, and can critically think, then they’re hired.

Me: of course Atheists are non-indoctrinated Critical thinker that can think for themselves.


A ExMuslim writes in response to a Muslim praising God He was born into a Muslim Family:

Responding to a ExMuslim Murat Mamkegh

Topic: You are a Muslim, because you were born into a Muslim family?

Muslim- Response:

One can say the same about being born into a FAMILY whos parents happen to be Atheist. There children more then likely will be Atheist too. We are all, impacted by the environment we live in.

If Richard Dawkins had a son, I’m certain he will grow up to be like his dad, someone that he looks up to. And one can say, the son of Dawkins is gifted. He learns first hand from his father about the Atheist world view.

In fact before I started practising my faith. I grew up with a Turkish community that is from Corum. It is well known that if you are from Corum, you are either a Alaweeh, or more Atheist. Especially the Corum community here in Melbourne, Australia. Extremely rarely you will find Sunni Followers among them. In fact I grew up with most of them even during my teenage life. The boys among them were Atheist’s, and surprisingly they were Atheists, because there fathers were Atheist’s too. Usually though the eldest Grandma would be practising. I met tons of them like this in my Turkish community here where I stay.

So the point is, when you want to talk about convenience, and how we are Muslim because of where we were brought up, one can argue the same for a lot of the Atheists too.

By the way, it is a gift of God to be born into a Muslim family because its like a first hand advantage, however in our theology we believe, it could also be a disadvantage, let me explain.

The punishment could be much greater, for one who has been gifted an advantage and yet does not take upon that opportunity and disregards it. When He could have been born into a Hindu family and left in the distance.

In saying that, we still believe God is the most just, he can guide anyone know matter how disadvantage one may perceive. For a example, there are people who are born into families who are brought up to be great enemies of Islam, and yet they find guidance, like the Jews in Israel for example, I know a brother like this. And there is also stories of that Dutch politician who worked for Geert Wilder’s, and yet he left his organisation to convert to Islam. Also we believe Gods mercy is so great, that according to Islamic theology, if you dont hear the pure message of Islam come to you, then there is no sin upon you. And you will not be punished. Some Scholars say, this also includes a person now day who lives in United States, and only hears a distorded version of Islam from FoxNews. Then he will not be judged, because he didn’t hear the truth rather a distorded version. And if He dies, he will not be judged as a disbeliever. Also consider, that if a person is born to a family very distant to Islam. And yet he still converts to Islam. His conversion to Islam will be seen as a greater reward then the one who happens to be raised in a Muslim household. Therefore in (Jennah) he shall see a greater portion of reward for being put in a much more difficult position, thus the reward is greater. So we shouldn’t always look at it as a disadvantage but it could also have advantages.

Murat, you follow the tune, of Dawkins who says those very words. Your a Muslim because your parents are and so on….

But if you really think deeply one can argue, most Americans are democrats because they come from a country of demoracts, or most Russians or Chinese are communist because they come from a communist country, so this logic can apply to everything and anyone. It is true, that we can all be impacted by our environmental circumstances, but this doesn’t mean we can not think for ourselves.

Because that’s the primary argument. Well if that were the case, then you as a Atheist’s had the opportunity to think for yourself and leave Islam. And there are many stories of Atheist’s who were brought up as Atheist’s and thought about it, and converted to Islam. So you can still be a free thinker, and have faith. Or you can chose to disbelieve also.

In fact, i was brought up in a Muslim family, but they weren’t practising. There was very little connection between us and God. I lived the secular Atheist life style and didn’t care about God, or if I had to serve him, if He existed. Later in my life, I did my own research and began to realise the truth. I was about 23 years old at the time. I also did research into other faiths. So because I was born into a Muslim family, it didn’t mean we were practising, as a lot of Muslim families are cultural Muslims, you know Muslim by name, and devout only when it came to the month of Ramadan. Yeh those types.

Everyday that I’m a Muslim, I don’t sit there and close my eyes. I don’t shut myself away from the free thinking community, I engage them, so I can hear what they have to say, and in doing so I continue to test my beliefs against there’s and by doing so, I’m open to dialogue, and I enjoy it because it strengthens my faith even more that I know I’m on the haqq ( truth) again I’m old enough and wise enough to make my own decisions in life. So you need to stop, treating us as if you are the only “free thinker”.

Also about convenience; being born a Muslim is God bless, to remain a Muslim requires effort. It’s the opposite of convenience. When a Muslim starts practising, convenience goes out the window. We are not like Christians, who don’t have to worship, they just believe Jesus died for sins and they don’t even have to go to church. Whereas Muslims, you are told to give up on most Western lifestyles, and every day your battle with your (nefs) desires to obtain away from Haram and wake up early to pray your selah. One can argue, it’s more convenient to become an Atheist and not have to tire oneself, with these things.
